赤い公園 (Akai Koen)
Maisa Tsuno
Chiaki Sato
Hikari Fujimoto
Naho Utagawa
赤い公園 (Akai Koen; translation = "Red Park") are four girls aged 18 to 19 who reside in Tachikawa, Tokyo, Japan. Their music is a blend of melodic pop and shoegaze accentuated by ferocious hardcore and noise.
Guitarist Maisa Tsuno has prodigious song-writing talent and is responsible for all lyrics, composition and arrangement. A perfectionist at heart tempered by a willingness to take risks Tsuno draws on her eclectic influences (eg Boredoms, Radiohead, Jim O'Rourke) to craft gorgeous compositions ranging from deliciously sweet to intensely discordant. Akai Koen's candid behaviour and virtuosic musicianship set them miles apart from typical female rock bands that rely on cuteness and sex appeal to mask a mediocrity in talent.
Performing live in front of an audience is something Akai Ko-en cherishes above all else. It is something so sacred they prevent and remove all music and video footage of themselves on the internet. Their CDs can only be purchased directly at shows. This way the majority of the audience approaches the performance with a blank slate and no advance warning of the sonic adrenaline rush they are about to experience. Word of mouth is all Akai Ko-en needs to flourish and their legendary live performances in Tokyo have already created a massive underground buzz. In fact Akai Koen make their major label debut early next year.
Nakano Pierre of Rin Toshite Shigure handpicked Maisa Tsuno and a select group of musicians [Izawa (LITE), Hajime (ミドリ), Kozeni ( ミドリ), Miya (385), TOKIE (Unkie)] to perform with him on his birthday concert at Ebisu LIQUIDROOM.