
Reiya (Gt) Junta (Gt/Vo) Itsuki (Dr) Shu (Ba)

Official home page



Fallsheeps proudly rep the naval port city of Yokosuka (just south of Tokyo and Yokohama). They have a polished alt-rock sound but wear their mid-west emo, screamo and shoegaze roots on their sleeves. Junta’s lyrics are introspective and his word choice peculiar and very deliberate. The combination of ear catching melodies, boundless raw power and energy, and profound lyrics that resonate deeply with fans lead to rambunctious and passionate live performances.

Fallsheeps formed in 2018 with their growth being stunted a few years by COVID. A Canadian fan recommended them to me in 2022 but I didn’t appreciate how great their music was until their 2nd ep「Cue」was released last year. I had two opportunities to see Fallsheeps in December 2023. I wanted to make the trek out to Yokosuka to see them perform on December 23rd BUT I promised Nacchan I’d see her band (MASS OF THE FERMENTING DREGS) at Shindaita FEVER. I’m glad I went to FEVER because I got to hang out with MOTFD as well as meet and become friends with Jacob from Good Kid and Harry from Angura and Gigs In Tokyo. After all, I still had a 2nd chance to see Fallsheeps at Kichijoji WARP on Dec 28 right?……. WRONG!! The show on Dec 28 ended up getting cancelled.

Fallsheeps actually had a 3rd show I could have went to in Yokosuka on Dec 30 but that was the day of an awesome music festival in Shimokitazawa called A Day in the Now where a bunch of bands I was considering for NMFT 16 were playing: Hitohira, kurayamisaka, Sono Kangeki to Kiroku, and Kuni. After the festival in Shimokitazawa I hung out with Ariga (PENs+ and arigarnon friends) and Shunsuke (Said) at Like a Fool Records in Shindaita. It was here that Shunsuke, originally from Utsunomiya, raved about and recommended Sabanoomisony to me. I told Ariga how much I liked Hitohira and Kurayamisaka but I was disappointed I couldn’t see Fallsheeps on my trip. Ariga then said Fallsheeps happens to be his favourite band in Japan right now and that I definitely need to consider them for NMFT16.

I finally got to see Fallsheeps perform live on February 17, 2024 at a tiny studio show on the 2nd floor of Shimokitazawa ERA. Their recorded music is polished and super catchy but they have a DIY/underground mentality that gives their live sound a raw edge. The heartfelt lyrics resonate with the audience and the energy and power they rock out with is a recipe for the crowd to reciprocate the band’s enthusiasm. Fallsheeps put on one of the best live performances I had seen in a long time.

Unfortunately, February 17 would be original bassist Yoshika’s final show as she decided to quit the band. A bit heartbroken at the news I wonder if I had seen Fallsheeps earlier in December 2023 and asked them to join NMFT16 a few months earlier, maybe she would have stayed with the band at least for Canada. Their latest ep 「Dunk」had each member compose a track and sing lead on it as well. Yoshika’s song 「Birth」with it’s melancholic shoegaze instrumentation and Itsuki’s powerful drumming is my favourite track off the ep and one of my favorite Fallsheeps songs overall.

It sucks Yoshika’s no longer with the band. Her signature filthy tone on bass and soft female vocals that contrast with Junta’s gave the band’s music a lot of its character. But Junta assures me Fallsheeps strives to keep getting better. He sent me a pre-production copy of the ep they’re recording and the music is indeed some of their best stuff yet. Yoshika may be gone but the Kawaguchi brothers Junta and Itsuki are still the heart and soul of the band. Long live Fallsheeps and may they slay audiences in Canada like I know they can.