Natsuko Miyamoto (Bass, Vocals)
Naoya Ogura (Guitar, Vocals)
Yoshino Isao (Drums, Chorus)
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MASS OF THE FERMENTING DREGS (MOTFD) will become the first band to make a third appearance on the NMFT tour. Formed in 2002 by three girls from Kobe, MOTFD perform a blend of post-punk combining beautifully melancholic vocals with ferociously powerful instrumentation. The anomaly of such a huge, powerful sound coming from an all-female band drew them a large underground following and became an important inspiration for bands such as tricot and paranoid void.
Unfortunately, after MOTFD signed with major label EMI and leaned gradually toward a more radio-friendly sound, the original drummer would quit in 2007 (replaced by Isao Yoshino) and subsequently the guitarist in 2010(replaced by Naoya Ogura of Qomolangma Tomato). MOTFD ceased all activity shortly after in 2012.
In 2015, to the delight of a legion of fans bassist and leader Natsuko Miyamoto brought life back to MOTFD and they started performing and writing new songs with Isao and Naoya returning on drums and guitar, respectively. The hiatus did not soften MOTFD at all as they came back heavier and more badass than ever.
MOTFD returned to Canada in 2016 as part of NMFT vol 8. They slayed audiences in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver and developed a true fondness for the country and their Canadian fans. In October, MOTFD return for the third time with their first new album in eight years. They are dying to play their new songs for Canada and show everyone how great they sound live in beast-mode.
And here's a Q & A session with questions sent in from fans around the world. There're lots of references to ex-members Reiko and Chiemi in part 1 and Canada/NMFT in part 2.
(note: these videos have English subtitles however you have to adjust the settings (click the gear icon) to enable them.