arigarnon friends at NMFT10


Since PENs+ is on hiatus, guitar virtuoso Ariga Mao is going all-in with his solo project arigarnon friends. note: band name is an ode to PENs+ fave band Algernon Cadwallader.

Remember the band PENs+ from NMFT7? They essentially broke up but the kid responsible for their mathy guitar wizardry, Ariga Mao, started a new band last year called arigarnon friends (i.e. a pun based on his name, an ode to the band Algernon Cadwallader, and the fact his band is made up of him and his friends).

arigarnon friends is one of my favorite bands. They were invited to NMFT10 but Ariga started his new office job from hell in April so he'll probably never be able to get more than a week off to come to Canada and take part in the NMFT tour again. That's the bad news. The good news is Yuji Ino, who plays guitar in both Bakyun the everyday and arigarnon friends will be bringing some arigarnon CDs to sell at the NMFT shows. arigarnon friends' ep "Boy to Man" was one of the best releases from last year so definitely make a bee-line to the merch table and score a copy before they sell out. Yuji can't bring that many and I'm pretty sure they'll sell out at the Toronto shows unless you make a comment here or on his twitter to hold a copy for you.

arigarnon is absolutely killer. Ariga and Yuji bring the lethal twin Jazzmaster attack but not to be outshone is drummer, Sho Sato who also drums for the band fulusu. Sho is definitely one of the best young drummers in the scene:

Uploaded by crazyswordfighter on 2016-12-21.

fulusuの1st Single "ash" より、剣士:後藤佑介氏とのコラボMV"ash"を公開。 2015.10.13発売(2015.8.12から先行販売)「ash」(¥300) 1, ash 2, mirror image ●fulusu HP - Twitter - Facebook - SoundCloud - Cast :剣士:後藤佑介( )、さくま はるか Filmed/Edited and Produced by Futa Ikehara ( (


So what do you get when you mix the genius of PENs+, fulusu, and Bakyun the everyday? I don't know either. Yeah, I do! F*cking ARIGARNON FRIENDS!!!!! If you live in Vancouver or Montreal and are interested in the arigarnon friends CD then better let him know to save a copy for you.

It's too bad I couldn't bring arigarnon friends to NMFT10 but don't worry. Bakyun the everyday are just as awesome in their own way:

Video footage taken by Chris XL using my camera. Thanks Chris!