Too jetlagged and intoxicated on boredom for bikinis
The weather on 2010/9/25 was nice and sunny as God has a soft spot for Japanese indie/undergound music.
Not that it mattered since the festival is held indoors at Tamokuteki Hall, Tokyo University, Komaba Campus.
Tokyo University is one of the most prestigious universities in the world with extremely high academic requirements for enrollment. So last year it was amusing to see so many students spending hours on end doing stuff outside like this:
I wondered if things will be the same this year:
You bet. I can declare without equivocation that Tokyo University has cemented next year's Nobel Prize in Back-up Dancing. Todai students, take a bow. =)
NEhow, back to our scheduled program:
Last year, at the start of the event the crowd was a bit thin when the mornings took the stage. However, the hall did fill up by the end of the night. This year, Tamokuteki Hall was crowded from the very start. It was noon and I wanted to grab something to eat and drink. I grabbed the famous Masala-wala curry plate (made by bossston cruising mania) and went to the next table for a drink. The table was manned by the members of SuiseiNoboAz. I was just going to get a beer but they tried to get me to order tequila instead. For chrissakes, it's still just noon, but I ended up buying a round of tequila for myself and Boaz and chased it with a can of asahi as I enjoyed my curry. For the record I do plan to bring SuiseiNoboAz to canada one day. Those guys deserve to be rocking crowds in North America.
The first band up was: 撃鉄 (GEKITETU) You can't see clearly but he scaled the wall to the left, ran across the upper deck and climbed/jumped down from the right.
Next up was one of the bands I wanted to see most: Praha Depart
I saw them earlier this year and was incredibly impressed but they ROCKED so much harder yesterday at Tokyo Boredom. The drumming/percussion is abslutely insane. Hell I'd watch Praha Depart for the drumming alone but when you add Tsukasa's spellbinding guitars and Mai's hauntingly powerful and mesmerizing crooning/wailing: for me it's a match made in heaven. I f*cking love this band. I had considered inviting them to Canada after watching them in February but now it's a definite must. Mai told me to keep in touch regarding future tours.
okay, I need to pause here to get ready for Tokyo Boredom and Neutral Nation: I think my itinerary is going to be: 1200 -1220 Far France boot it to Odaiba for Neutral Nation 1310-1340 uhnellys (hopefully make it in time) 1340 - 1410 LITE 1410 -1440 nisennenmondai (f*ck yeah! MIRRORBALL!!!!) 1440 -1520 Buffalo Daughter 1535 -1620 Clammbon (can't wait!!)
I would LOVE to watch the ever-amazing toe, but I went to their one-man in February and I can't miss:
1720 - 1740 Deracine (these guys are at the top of my list of bands I still need to watch. Along with Yolz in the Sky who I will miss.. again) rest of the night at Tokyo Boredom